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120 Pupils Take Part in GOGA Access Day

Posted: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 13:52

120 Pupils Take Part in GOGA Access Day

On 29th June, over 120 SEN children took part in the first GOGA Access Day at Foundation Park, Swindon.

The children had the opportunity to have a go at 11 different sports and activities ranging from adapted cycling, zumba, fencing, wheelchair basketball, mixed ability rugby, boccia, cricket, croquet, and netball. Conversations are now underway with the schools and clubs to ensure there are sustainable exit route opportunities for the children to take part in these activities on a regular basis.

Thank you to everyone involved in organising and running today. Our pupils (and our TAs) have come back full of excitement from a day they have loved. This is such a great opportunity and we really appreciate all your hard work in making it happen.

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for my daughter's invite to the GOGA Access Day today.
All of the coaches were amazing at every stop. They made all of the children feel welcomed and involved. It was an amazing experience and my daughter thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Access Day has been an annual event for over 10yrs with Swindon Borough Council's Sports Development Team. This year, the event was delivered in partnership with Wiltshire & Swindon Sport, and the Get Out Get Active Programme (GOGA), which provides opportunities for disabled and non disabled people to get active together.

Tags: Inclusive Sport